Friday, April 20, 2007

I wanna Fly..!!!!

...I wanna fly...!!!
...I wanna fly...!!!
...I wanna fly in the vast sky..
...I wanna free myself from these tight schedules.....
...from these unbearable people.....
...from these hoards of files.....
...from these noisy sounds......
...from these tears & pain...
...I wanna free myself from these dull walls...!!!
.....I wanna fly...!!!
.....I wanna fly...!!!
....I wanna fly in the vast sky..
....I wanna rest on wings of airs..... in drops of rain...... with waves of shore.......
....sing with rays of sun..
....I wanna sleep peacefully in arms of endless sky..!!!


Unknown said...

Hi Vidisha , Just happen to check ur blog .. quite a nice expression but will like to warn , dnt fly without wings .. he he just kiddin

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.