Friday, May 4, 2007



I dOnT kNoW wHeRe....???????
I dOnT kNoW wHy..???????

PaThS aRe CoNfUsSiNg Me...
LiFe Is rUiNiNg Me.......

I dOnT kNoW hOw....???????
I dOnT kNoW wHy..???????

RiGhT sEeMs To Be WrOnG....
WrOnG sEeMs To Be RiGhT ....

I dOnT kNoW hOw....???????
I dOnT kNoW wHy..???????

1 comment:

ASuresh said...

This is when u get the rarest and best of compliments from near and dear- compliments like u gone mad,u r an half-wit,dullard,emotionally aroused and so on... Enjoy!