Thursday, July 19, 2007

..Just drag me away from here..

Just drag me someone away from here....

I am standing on deserted land

Bleeding bodies muddled in sand

I am all drenched in utter pain

Hands fastened in rusty chain

Just drag me someone away from here....

Sky above is screaming madly

Tides below are grieving sadly

Stars are shivering with deathless fear

Clouds are vibrating with countless tears

Just drag me someone away from here......

Oh God !! Thou shall tell what blunder I did?

Thou shall only tell whom did I plunder ??

If this is the reward for following you ideally

If this is the award for trusting you blindly

Then I don't need anybody to drag me from here

Then I won't scream anymore to go somewhere

I will stand here till the last breath I hold

I will stand here till my soul wreath & mold

1 comment:

Unknown said...

once again the paper has been graced with a lovely and rhymin poem by thou....;))
well! this time u have put a brave n confronting front....n that's wat delighted me....n made be more insatiable..